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I am looking to access to this playground:

I am interesting in Shopify integration tools. I am planing to use this main tool within CrewAI to deploy next Shopify app. But I can't find this tool. Is it under development? P.S. We are planing use Composio as main tools library for our Shopify Plus app.

Error using composio with an openai compatible API like AIML

Hi, I'm trying to use composio's RAG and file i/o tools with crewai, with a custom backend. I'm defining the base and model as such:
While going through my crew which first embeds some documents and then does RAG query on them, I'm getting the error in the file attached: ...

Using custom Client id and Client Secret. But what should the callback url be?

I need to whitelist the correct callback URL but what is the correct URL, I cannot find the docs

request and Beta Access

Hello there! I would like to requsts access to both pdf-api and all-images beta access for implement them on my tasks! my email: thanks and have a nice day 😄...

Requesting beta Access

Hey, I would like to request access to the tool for scheduling meetings and consultations. My email:

Tooling server help

Hi there! On our bug bounty platform Huntr we are getting vulnerability reports for the tooling server API: I was wondering how is this server used in production applications of composio? We would like to accurately notify you guys of vulnerabilities (and pay you for fixing them!), but admittedly I'm confused on whether or not users actually deploy this server in their composio apps. I wasn't able to find it in the documentation so if I missed it please feel free to direct me to a docs link. Thanks 🙏...

how to implement a custom tool/task/action/agent ?

Hello there! I would like to add a tool, or whatever fits better for the task, to be able to pass a prompt to dalle, generate an image, and send the image (or the images url) to another part of the workflow. ive found the creating a local tool doc, but i cant make it work. ive even bounced it with claude, but i still cant make it this is what i've currently made ``` from openai import OpenAI...

Problems with programatically connecting an account

I want to programatically connect an account. I know this can be done with composio add <account>, but I want to do this programatically. I have the following code: ``` from composio_crewai import Action, App...

beta access to test Zillow Tech Connect in playground please

i would like to try the "Zillow Tech Connect with AI Agents" in the playground, my use case involves using agents to explore listings

Problems with the Python SDK: No module named 'pysher'

I created a Python virtual environment using venv and did a simple initialization as follows: ``` from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action composio_client = ComposioToolSet()...

Google Gemini Function calling integration

Hey everyone, how do I use composio tools directly with google Gemini function calling. like we can use composio with openai function calling directly but can't do the same for google gemini. It raises some ridiculous error. model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name="gemini-1.5-flash", tools=tools) basically it's not working when I do something like this ...

Running swe example fails

I am trying to run the SWE agent example. The only change I made was swapping gpt-4o out for gpt-3.5-turbo (to remain on free plan, I have confirmed gpt-3.5-turbo is available for API on free tier). However, I get this error: ``Error: 400 Invalid tool_choice: required`. You must enable at least one tool to use this option. at Function.generate (/home/page/Documents/Dev/swe-js-1/node_modules/openai/src/error.ts:70:14) at OpenAI.makeStatusError (/home/page/Documents/Dev/swe-js-1/node_modules/openai/src/core.ts:397:21)...

Issue running Google Calendar agent

I keep encountering the error (attached image) when running the calendar agent from Python examples.
No description

Im unable to pip install composio_crewai

I tried installing the "Microsoft C++ build tools", I still get the same error Please help...
No description

Metadata file for `GITHUB_ISSUES_GET` not found

Trying to run SWE agent, I have set my GITHUB, composio, and e2b API keys, and I have already run composio apps update. Error: Error while executing github_issues_get: Metadata file for GITHUB_ISSUES_GET not found, Please run composio apps update` to fix this at E2BWorkspace.executeAction (/home/page/Documents/Dev/swe-js-1/node_modules/composio-core/src/env/base.ts:224:15) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)...

Invalid value `GMAIL_SEND_EMAIL` for `Action`

Hi all! I'm wondering if anyone knows why I am getting this error:
ValueError: Invalid value `GMAIL_SEND_EMAIL` for `Action`
ValueError: Invalid value `GMAIL_SEND_EMAIL` for `Action`
I ran composio apps update and it broke my code - the error comes from this line:...

Having issues with creating google calendar events using Composio + Llama Index in Python

I cant seem to get my Agent to work can anyone help with providing an example use

Get started LLM issue

I was trying and testing get started llm, but it says Error code: 404 - {'error': {'message': 'The model gpt-4-turbo-preview does not exist or you do not have access to it.', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': 'model_not_found'}} I tried switching to different model like "gpt-4o-mini" etc , but all of those resist on: 'message': 'You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details....

Voice for Phidata

Composio has integrated Eleven Lab for voice integration, wondering if this can enable voice functionality for Phidata LLM OS? Any example?

composio.client.exceptions.ComposioClientError: Action CODEINTERPRETER_RUN_TERMINAL_CMD not found

Hi for the sql agent plotter, I am getting the following error when trying to run it recently. Was wondering what it was due to? Thanks!