exotic-emerald2mo ago

Slack OAuth Issue with Fix

We are building Slack integration, we are connect the user account if default config is used in integration. If we use custom developer integration then it didnt work for Slack App (though it worked for Slackbot). So, I investigated a little further why default integration worked but custom integration didnt work. I noticed there is a difference in scope param in redirect url, therefore Slack page also showed different access rights to user. The scope param for custom integration is empty while for default integration it is &scope=calls:write,chat:write,team:read,channels:read. If I add this in custom integration redirect url, the account integration starts working. So, I have figured a hack but please look into to fix this. PS - I checked the documentation, it says scope param is required for Bot access, so I dont know why its required for User API. May be this misunderstanding caused this issue. https://api.slack.com/authentication/oauth-v2#asking
Slack API
Installing with OAuth
Using an Oauth 2.0 flow to create Slack apps with precise permissions.
2 Replies
adverse-sapphire2mo ago
@gemtushar I’m encountering the same issue here @staff Not sure if yall are using v2 for slack ouath or not but it seems to be required
fascinating-indigo2mo ago
hey @gemtushar - it seems like something is wrong with your slack oauth app configuration. can we get on a call to sort this? let me share documentation on how to setup slack oauth app as well.

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