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Get started LLM issue

I was trying and testing get started llm, but it says Error code: 404 - {'error': {'message': 'The model gpt-4-turbo-preview does not exist or you do not have access to it.', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': 'model_not_found'}} I tried switching to different model like "gpt-4o-mini" etc , but all of those resist on: 'message': 'You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details....

Voice for Phidata

Composio has integrated Eleven Lab for voice integration, wondering if this can enable voice functionality for Phidata LLM OS? Any example?

composio.client.exceptions.ComposioClientError: Action CODEINTERPRETER_RUN_TERMINAL_CMD not found

Hi for the sql agent plotter, I am getting the following error when trying to run it recently. Was wondering what it was due to? Thanks!

Python Example "SQL_Agent" not working

Hey! First of all a huge fan of composio's work and I have just started to test out all the local tools and examples available on composio. I cloned the repo, setup the Virtual env and then went through the required steps written in for sql-agent python example. Did everything as stated, entered the API key. But I got the output as shown in the image attached. I tried debugging it by placing print statements inside of the sqltool python local-tool, and it seems that the execute() method for SQLQuery class (in file does not seem to be called itself....
No description

getting started help

hi i just downloaded and playing with it. i think i am having problem with verficaiton, api key stuff. the gettng starterd script has this line tools = composio_toolset.get_actions(actions=[Action.GITHUB_ACTIVITY_STAR_REPO_FOR_AUTHENTICATED_USER]) ...

Snowflake Integration Broken?

I am getting a 404 when trying 'composio add snowflake', there is not oauth redirect like the other apps I've tried? You can also only add username/pwd from the UI. Couldn't find anything on the Discord of Snowflake, can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

Google Sheets issue

I'm trying to use the tool "GOOGLESHEETS_BATCH_UPDATE" but I get an error ""Invalid data [0]: Unable to parse range". Can some please help me solve this issue?
No description

Requesting Beta Access

Hello, i would like to request beta access for the use-cases. the multi-source research assistant, AI-Enhanced project manager, AI Performance Review Generator, Automated code documentation generator, Ai powered code reviewer and tester, Automated Bug Tracker, and Database Query Generator in particular. And im sure many more use-cases that i have yet to discover, thank you for your time and consideration.

How to test local tool ?

I have built a local tool with 2 actions following the same pattern the other tools are built. Now i want to test it, how to go about this ? Things that i did: - Have setup the project in venv and was able to run make commands successfully...

Requesting beta access use-case

Hey, is it possible to give me access to the following use case : ? I have some ideas to apply with wordpress and would really love to know how the integration with it works. Thanks in advance....

Getting started with contributing

For me to get started I would have to first read the guidelines and then clone the repo and find issues I want to fix, then I should be good to go?

I would like to access beta use-case

Request access This example is available in beta only, to request access join discord and let us know on ⁠💻︱support I'm really interesting in testing to make this beta use-case work, thks...


I keep getting ComposioClientError: API Key is not valid! again It was working yesterday...

% composio add codeinterpreter> Adding integration: Codeinte

Adding integration: Codeinterpreter...
Error: CodeInterpreter does not require authentication ...

Local tools not working

I was going through the guide for creating local tools but it looks like the examples are broken. Following the Readme doesn't work (terminal hangs up when running the examples)

googlecalander athentication

I keep getting athentication while trying to do google calendar where can I specify what email do I use etc and where to authenticate...

can not replicate phidata-composio

I am trying to replicate the phidata-composio example from the docs - Installed composio-phidata, composio_openai, and composio_core - Authenticated Composio with GitHub successfully - Running into this error: MetadataFileNotFound: Metadata file for GITHUB_STAR_A_REPOSITORY_FOR_THE_AUTHENTICATED_USER not found. Please run composio apps update to fix this. - Ran composio apps update, but the error is still there...

Requesting beta access

Hi, I'm a developer and have some use-cases I want to test with integrations that are apparently in beta. Can you please grant me access? My Github account is: for reference. I used my Github account to register/login via OAUTH on Thanks in advance,


Because no versions of composio-autogen match >0.4.2,<0.5.0 and composio-autogen (0.4.2) depends on composio-core (0.4.2), composio-autogen (>=0.4.2,<0.5.0) requires composio-core (0.4.2). So, because XXX depends on both composio-core (^0.5.1) and composio-autogen (^0.4.2), version solving failed. % ...