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How to integrate composio with my specific use case?

I am currently hosting my custom model on a hugging face space, and I am connecting that with my frontend using a gradio. This maybe vague, but is there any way possible to integrate composio here?...

access data returned by actio

Hi, I am using the App.SYSTEMTOOLS and App.IMAGEANALYSERTOOL as used in the ai_productivity example ( I need to access the data returned by the App.IMAGEANALYSERTOOL. How to do that? Thanks,...

Multi-tenant guide for composio

Currently "considering" composio for our backend actions orchestration for our platform (multi-teant/user). Since we dont need/intend to use the UI of composio, we were wondering how to get the a) API keys programmatically (current steps indicate fetching this manually but we will need a separate key for each user likely and dont like to use UI if possible ) b) what features u have to manage tenant/user isolation c) how are credentials (for each of supported app) managed and isolated

I would like to access beta use-case

Request access This example is available in beta only, to request access join discord and let us know on ⁠💻︱support...

how do i request beta access

This playground use-case is in beta Request access This example is available in beta only, to request access join discord and let us know on #💻︱support...

Anyway to stop the gmail api from including the payload?

I try to get the last 5 emails and because it includes the payload data, it returns with over 160000 context length.